Mule Team

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The Alamo Heights Mule Team, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, provides support and funding to sport related extra-curricular programs at AHHS.

We independently raise money that directly supports the extracurricular activities at AHHS. 

We are perceived to be the wealthiest school district in the city, but we are not.  Alamo Heights is a property-wealthy school district and property valuations in the district make our total tax dollars some of the highest in the state.  But because of the Robin Hood school funding formula, the majority of our tax dollars leave our school district.  Through Robin Hood, property-wealthy school districts send money to the state to be redistributed to other school districts that are considered property poor.  While we are happy to support all children, this leaves a deficit in the budget for providing not only state of the art equipment and facilities, but sometimes the very basics like uniforms, safe equipment and the proper tools and supplies needed to take care of our kids.

Aquatics, Athletic Training, Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, JROTC, Soccer, Softball, Special Olympics, Spurs, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Water Polo

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